Paleoecological datasets added to the LAPD during 2017
Paleoecological datasets added to the LAPD during 2017
Thanks to financial support by ‘DANS’ (Data archiving and Networked Services), the Hugo-de-Vries funds, and ‘NWO’ (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research) in the Netherlands, fossil pollen records from the University of Amsterdam, and a number of additional fossil pollen records provided to the LAPD (thank you also Dunia Urrego!), were made freely available. During a 4 month stay, Eric Christopher Grimm and Birgitt Brands (UvA student) worked hard to prepare the datasets, and the pollen records are now both accesible in DANS and in NEOTOMA.
Check it out here:
and here:
Supporting researchers from UvA: John Van Boxel, William D. Gosling, Hooghiemstra Henry