PAGES LandCover6k at the International Palynological Congress in Brazil
The PAGES LandCover6k group will have a session at the International Palynological Congress in Brasil in October 2016 called:
SS23 – Pollen-based Holocene land-cover reconstructions for climate modelling.
Organizers: Marie-José Gaillard, Sonia Fontana, Ralph Fyfe, Konrad Gajewski, Ulrika Herschuh, Anupama Krishnamurthy, Anne-Marie Lézine, Rob Marchant, Jack Williams & Qinghai Xu.
You can submit an abstract on your research at
Adequate incorporation of land cover in global and regional climate models is still one of the major priorities in the climate modeling community. The scenarios of past ALCC, e.g. HYDE (Klein Goldewijk et al. 2011), KK (Kaplan et al. 2009) used as descriptions of ALCC in climate modelling, show very large differences (Gaillard et al. 2010). LandCover6k is a PAGES working group that addresses land-cover change during the last ca. 10000 cal. years across the globe for the purpose of climate modelling studies ( LandCover6k brings together palaeoecologists, historians, archaeologists, and modelers to explore and provide new information about ALCC and create products suitable to study land-use change as one of the human-induced climate forcings. This session invites contributions on pollen-based reconstructions of past land-cover characteristics useful for climate modelling (in conjunction with archaeological and historical data if available) at the regional to global spatial scales.