Date & Place: 20 -24 July 2016 in Brasilia, Brazil
Under the Researcher Links scheme offered within the Newton Fund, the British Council. Researcher Links scheme we will be holding a workshop on the above theme in Brasilia on 20 – 24 July, 2016. The workshop is being coordinated by Prof. Carlos Saito (University of Brasilia) and Dr. Bronwen Whitney (Northumbria University Newcastle), and will have contributions from other leading researchers from the UK and Brazil. We are now inviting Early Career Researchers (defined as having up to10 years post-PhD research experience) from the UK or Brazil to apply to attend this workshop. All travel and accommodation expenses will be covered by the Newton Researcher Links programme.
Workshop themes include:
- climate change and water security;
- hydrology and flood pulse;
- tourism and environmental impacts;
- invasive species and impacts on biodiversity;
- modelling climate-landscape dynamics;
- socioenvironmental conflicts;
- the role of environmental education.
Follow the following link to apply as soon as possible! Deadline is 26th of May! LINK: Newton Fund Researcher Links Workshop